Lateral Hip Pain / Gluteal Tendinopathy 20 Week Rehab Plan

(5 stars)

This programme is developed for people who are struggling with lateral hip pain.

Having treated this consistently throughout my career I am aware just how debilitating this condition can be for many patient.

Unfortunately this condition is often misunderstood and treated incorrectly, leading to patents having to put up with pain for a lot longer than they should do.

❇️ 30 hand picked rehab exercises
❇️ 5 Phased rehab journey
🎦 Video demonstrations of every exercise
❇️ Cues from me on certain exercises for correct execution but also an ability for you to leave a message to ask me any questions specific to this.
❇️ Not an overwhelming number of exercises.
❇️ Clear set structure on what to do and how to do it.
❇️ Various rehab exercise options within each phase to keep rehab fun and motivating.
📝 An ability to use the chat function on the app for any private questions
📈 Log your rehab completion on the app to track progress and send me progress updates.
🎦 Recorded education video clips from me discussing important elements when it comes to rehabbing this condition